Michael Daly Financial

Working together to build a stronger future for you and your family

About us

Michael Daly is a self employed  Freelance Financial Advisor Authorised and Regulated by The Central Bank of Ireland as a Financial Broker/Intermediary  Reg Number C48440

 Maximising all avenues of protection  Working for  future income for you and your dependants, 
Contact Mike Daly


Michael Daly Financial specialise in Protection and Pension Advice by Appointment only,  Your self employed Advisor will endeavor to find the best solutions for you and your Family,  Working in your interest at all times ,

Interesting & Important Facts

  •   Cohabitating couples can be liable to inheritance  tax on life cover pay-outs under certain conditions,  
  • Get tax relief on your protection premiums with a Pension  term life policy                                                   
Don't wait , why not get free advice,
Take control into your  own hands
and make an informed decision,

Don't just take pot luck with your Pension

 Your Pension is your future Income, why not treat it with the care and attention it deserves  ,                                             
Do you Know where your pension fund is invested? 
   Who Manages your Pension Fund? , Is it Actively or Passively Managed  ?  
 Do you know your investor profile ?, Is your fund sufficiently diversified ?,
   What are the  management charges  associated with your pension ?,                                                                                        
 Find the answers to these questions Now not when you are thinking of Retirement     ,

Blow the dust off the paperwork read the small print and take control now,

                            Dr Douglas Young Recommends Mike Daly Financial Services

              When you want financial advice, you need to trust the source. I have known Mike for more than forty years .                           He is the sort of person people warm to immediately because he is genuine and sincere. A man you can trust.I also think that when you buy from someone who is working for a big corporate, you are never sure about motivation.
With Mike ,what you see is what you get . A professional who cares,a bit rare these days,
Dr Doug Young